Article Figures & Data
Category Variable Points Causes and presentation Disc diseaseCervical myelopathyCervical radiculopathy 3 Indications Unresponsive to conservative treatmentSingle-level or 2-level diseaseAge >18 y 3 Contraindications Axial neck pain as only ailmentSpondylosisDisc height <3 mmKyphotic deformity >15°Active infectionKnown malignancyInflammatory spondyloarthropathyAllergy to implant materialMetabolic bone disease 9 Benefits Maintenance of spinal motionRapid recoveryShorter hospital stayDecreased risk of ASD 4 Complications InfectionBleeding/hematomaDysphagiaDysphoniaEsophageal/tracheal injuryDural tearRecurrent laryngeal nerve injurySpinal nerve injurySpinal cord injuryASDImplant-related failuresHeterotopic ossification 12 Treatment options Conservative managementAnterior cervical discectomy and fusionPosterior laminoforaminotomyLaminoplastyLaminectomy with fusion 5 Surgical technique ApproachDiscectomyDecompressionInsertion of cervical disc replacement 4 40 points total ASD, adjacent segmental disease.
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