Article Figures & Data
Characteristic Nonobese
(n = 116)Obese I
(n = 70)Severe + Morbid
(n = 61)P Valuea Age, y, mean ± SD 45.7 ± 18.7 45.7 ± 9.3 47.8 ± 10.2 0.315 Gender, % (n) 0.037 Female 20.16% (25) 14.9% (11) 31.9% (23) Male 79.8% (99) 85.1% (63) 68.9% (49) Ethnicity, % (n) 0.163 African American 12.2% (15) 24.7% (18) 19.4% (14) Asian 2.4% (3) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) Hispanic 30.9% (38) 27.4% (20) 27.8% (20) White 49.6% (61) 48.0% (35) 50.0% (36) Other 4.9% (6) 0.0% (0) 2.8% (2) Diabetic status, % (n) 0.113 Nondiabetic 94.9% (114) 84.8% (65) 81.9% (59) Diabetic 0.0% (0) 12.2% (9) 18.1% (13) Smoking status, % (n) 0.584 Nonsmoker 72.6% (90) 74.0% (54) 79.2% (57) Smoker 27.4% (34) 26.0% (19) 20.8% (15) Blood pressure, % (n) <0.001 Normotensive 79.7% (98) 60.3% (44) 47.2% (34) Hypertensive 20.3% (25) 39.7% (29) 52.8% (38) ASA score, % (n) <0.001 ≤2 92.7% (114) 77.8% (56) 69.0% (49) >2 7.3% (9) 22.2% (16) 31.0% (22) Charlson Comorbidity Index score, % (n) 0.063 <1 37.9% (44) 33.8% (23) 21.4% (15) ≥1 62.1% (72) 66.2% (45) 78.6% (55) Insurance type, % (n) Medicare/Medicaid 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) Workers’ compensation 100% (124) 100% (74) 100% (72) Private 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) Abbreviation: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists.
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance.
↵a P value calculated using χ2 analysis or Student’s t test.
Characteristic Nonobese
(n = 116)Obese I
(n = 70)Severe + Morbid
(n = 61)P Valuea Spinal pathology, % (n) Degenerative spondylolisthesis 37.9% (47) 36.5% (27) 41.7% (30) 0.798 Isthmic spondylolisthesis 19.4% (24) 16.2% (12) 20.8% (15) 0.763 Recurrent herniated nucleus pulposus 29.0% (36) 23.0% (17) 22.2% (16) 0.480 Scoliosis 0.8% (1) 2.7% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.270 Operative time, min, mean ± SD 120.0 ± 34.3 125.3 ± 27.6 140.1 ± 48.4 <0.001 Estimated blood loss, mL, mean ± SD 56.2 ± 27.8 51.7 ± 22.2 60.3 ± 30.3 0.160 Length of stay, h, mean ± SD 46.1 ± 27.2 49.4 ± 29.6 53.0 ± 30.9 0.282 Day of discharge, % (n) 0.097 POD 0 13.3% (16) 10.0% (7) 5.6% (4) POD 1 30.8% (37) 27.1% (19) 35.2% (25) POD 2 30.0% (36) 35.7% (25) 22.5% (16) POD 3 18.3% (22) 18.6% (13) 29.6% (21) POD 4 2.5% (3) 0.0% (0) 4.2% (3) POD 5 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 1.4% (1) POD 6 0.0% (0) 2.9% (2) 0.0% (0) POD 7 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 1.4% (1) Abbreviation: POD, postoperative day of discharge.
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance.
↵a P value calculated using χ2 analysis or Student’s t test.
PROM Nonobese
(mean ± SD)Obese I
(mean ± SD)Severe + Morbid
(mean ± SD)P Valuea P Valueb P Valuec VAS back 0.339 Preoperative 6.7 ± 2.0 7.3 ± 1.9 7.1 ± 1.7 0.114 0.897 6 wk 4.8 ± 2.2 5.3 ± 2.2 5.5 ± 2.2 0.068 0.536 12 wk 4.6 ± 2.4 5.6 ± 2.2 5.5 ± 2.1 0.007 0.944 6 mo 4.7 ± 2.6 5.3 ± 2.1 5.1 ± 2.6 0.388 0.992 1 y 5.2 ± 2.8 4.5 ± 2.7 5.1 ± 2.8 0.812 0.893 2 y 3.3 ± 2.6 6.3 ± 2.2 6.7 ± 2.9 0.026 0.990 VAS leg 0.186 Preoperative 5.3 ± 2.9 6.4 ± 2.9 6.6 ± 2.1 0.051 0.993 6 wk 4.4 ± 3.3 4.1 ± 3.3 5.5 ± 2.6 0.168 0.168 12 wk 3.9 ± 3.0 4.5 ± 2.5 4.8 ± 2.5 0.388 0.825 6 mo 3.5 ± 2.7 4.3 ± 2.6 4.9 ± 2.8 0.099 0.521 1 y 3.7 ± 3.0 3.7 ± 3.5 4.6 ± 2.8 0.629 0.870 2 y 2.5 ± 2.6 5.3 ± 3.4 5.1 ± 2.7 0.100 0.968 Oswestry Disability Index 0.056 Preoperative 44.2 ± 15.1 53.9 ± 13.9 55.6 ± 15.0 0.008 0.928 6 wk 47.5 ± 17.4 51.8 ± 16.1 52.2 ± 17.2 0.372 0.827 12 wk 39.5 ± 15.6 51.5 ± 10.8 46.8 ± 16.5 0.003 0.790 6 mo 35.0 ± 19.8 43.7 ± 13.7 45.6 ± 18.2 0.015 0.727 1 y 38.7 ± 24.3 39.6 ± 22.1 46.6 ± 20.8 0.409 0.539 2 y 27.1 ± 21.1 49.0 ± 13.6 47.6 ± 21.1 0.076 1.000 12-Item Short Form physical composite score 0.081 Preoperative 28.3 ± 6.3 30.6 ± 13.2 25.8 ± 4.8 0.090 0.103 6 wk 29.7 ± 7.1 25.5 ± 7.5 25.5 ± 5.1 0.057 0.959 12 wk 29.6 ± 6.6 29.8 ± 8.9 27.3 ± 6.8 0.513 0.483 6 mo 31.9 ± 8.5 31.0 ± 8.2 30.4 ± 6.3 0.817 0.933 1 y 31.2 ± 11.8 32.6 ± 11.7 33.3 ± 9.2 0.819 0.944 2 y 38.0 ± 14.2 29.3 ± 5.8 29.5 ± 12.0 0.227 0.916 PROMIS-PF 0.303 Preoperative 35.2 ± 6.4 32.7 ± 4.1 30.1 ± 4.7 0.021 0.910 6 wk 33.4 ± 6.7 31.2 ± 3.9 31.4 ± 3.8 0.616 0.992 12 wk 39.2 ± 6.7 38.1 ± 7.7 31.8 ± 2.6 0.011 0.050 6 mo 40.4 ± 7.1 39.3 ± 8.6 36.6 ± 6.7 0.542 0.662 1 y 39.6 ± 9.7 41.3 ± 8.1 37.9 ± 6.4 0.640 0.613 2 y 38.6 ± 11.6 33.7 ± 6.5 36.5 ± 8.2 0.683 0.875 Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; PROM, patient-reported outcome measures; PROMIS-PF, Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System physical function; VAS, visual analog scale.
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance.
↵a P values calculated using linear regression of PROMs by BMI.
↵b P values calculated using post hoc pairwise comparisons of adjusted means to compare PROMs between obese I and severe + morbid cohorts.
↵c P values calculated using linear regression of follow-up completion by BMI.
PROM 6 wk 12 wk 6 mo 1 y 2 y Overall VAS back n = 89 n = 85 n = 82 n = 16 n = 8 n = 146 Nonobese 43.4% (56) 44.7% (38) 45.1% (37) 12.5% (2) 37.5% (3) 45.9% (67) Obese I 31.5% (28) 31.7% (27) 29.3% (24) 43.8% (7) 37.5% (3) 27.4% (40) Severe + morbid 23.6% (21) 23.5% (20) 25.6% (21) 43.8% (7) 25.0% (2) 26.7% (39) P valuea 0.425 0.279 0.783 0.106 0.184 1.000 VAS leg n = 31 n = 30 n = 38 n = 13 n = 9 n = 59 Nonobese 38.7% (12) 40.0% (12) 44.7% (17) 30.8% (4) 33.3% (3) 39.0% (23) Obese I 38.7% (12) 30.0% (9) 29.0% (11) 38.5% (5) 22.2% (2) 28.8% (17) Severe + morbid 22.6% (7) 30.0% (9) 26.3% (10) 30.8% (4) 44.4% (4) 32.2% (19) P valuea 0.323 0.830 0.701 0.646 0.866 0.424 Owestry Disability Index n = 19 n = 24 n = 39 n = 15 n = 5 n = 50 Nonobese 31.6% (6) 29.2% (7) 38.5% (15) 6.7% (1) 20.0% (1) 34.0% (17) Obese I 26.3% (5) 25.0% (6) 25.6% (10) 40.0% (6) 0.0% (0) 24.0% (12) Severe + morbid 42.1% (8) 45.8% (11) 35.9% (14) 53.3% (8) 80.0% (4) 42.0% (21) P valuea 0.640 0.339 0.823 0.053 0.230 0.023 12-Item Short Form physical composite score n = 16 n = 20 n = 17 n = 19 n = 11 n = 48 Nonobese 50.0% (8) 40.0% (8) 52.9% (9) 31.6% (6) 45.5% (5) 37.5% (18) Obese I 25.0% (4) 30.0% (6) 29.4% (5) 26.3% (5) 36.4% (4) 33.3% (16) Severe + morbid 25.0% (4) 30.0% (6) 17.7% (3) 42.1% (8) 18.2% (2) 29.2% (14) P valuea 0.445 0.891 0.484 0.587 0.631 0.409 PROMIS-PF n = 8 n = 9 n = 14 n = 13 n = 7 n = 26 Nonobese 75.0% (6) 66.7% (6) 50.0% (7) 23.1% (3) 42.9% (3) 38.5% (10) Obese I 25.0% (2) 33.3% (3) 28.6% (4) 30.8% (4) 28.6% (2) 30.8% (8) Severe + morbid 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 21.4% (3) 46.2% (6) 28.6% (2) 30.8% (8) P valuea 0.096 0.076 0.376 0.571 0.927 0.723 Abbreviations: MCID, minimum clinically important difference; PROM, patient-reported outcome measure; PROMIS-PF, Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System physical function.
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance.
↵a P values calculated using χ2 analysis.