Article Figures & Data
- Table 1
Review of studies comparing DBM to other bone grafts or implants in cervical spine.
Study Design Patient Population Groups (No. of Patients) Follow-Up, mo Fusion Rates Other Outcomes Notes Yi et al, 201537 Prospective and randomized ACDF PEEK and HA-DBM (43) vs HA-BTP (42) 12 87% HA-DBM vs 72% HA-BTP (P = 0.16) No difference in neck disability score or infection Bonion Xie et al, 201538 Prospective and randomized ACDF PEEK and calcium sulfate and DBM (35) vs autologous ICBG (33) 24 94% DBM vs 100% ICBG (P not reported) OsteoSet2 DBM An et al, 199535 Prospective Uninstrumented anterior cervical fusion DBM with freeze- dried allograft (39) vs autologous ICBG (38) 12 Higher rates of pseudoarthrosis with DBM/allograft and higher rates of graft collapse Grafton DBM Gel Lee et al, 201936 Retrospective Instrumented ACDF DBM (24) vs autologous ICBG (17) 24 94% DBM vs 96% ICBG (P = 0.66) Orthoblast II Abbreviations: ACDF, anterior cervical discectomy and fusion; BTP, β-tricalcium phosphate; DBM, demineralized bone matrix; HA, hydroxyapatite; ICBG, iliac crest bone graft; PEEK, polyetheretherketone.
- Table 2
Review of studies comparing DBM to other bone grafts or implants in thoracolumbar spine.
Study Design Patient Population Groups (No. of Patients) Follow-Up, mo Fusion Rates Other Outcomes Notes Kang et al, 201240 Prospective and randomized Single-level posterolateral fusion DBM (30) vs autologous ICBG (16) 24 86% DBM vs 92% ICBG (P > 0.99) No difference in ODI or physical functioning scores; increased operative blood loss with ICBG (P < 0.0031). Grafton DBM matrix Schizas et al, 200842 Prospective Posterolateral fusion DBM (33) vs ICBG or LA (26) 12 70% DBM vs 77% autograft (P = 0.77) No difference in ODI Accell Connexus Vaccaro et al, 200743 Prospective Posterolateral fusion DBM with bone marrow (19) vs DBM with ICBG (27 patients) vs ICBG (27 patients) 24 63% DBM-bone marrow vs 70% DBM-ICBG vs 67% ICBG (P = 0.88) Grafton DBM Cammisa et al, 200444 Prospective intrapatient control Posterolateral fusion 120 patients in total, DBM on one side, ICBG on the other 24 52% DBM vs 54% ICBG Grafton DBM Sassard et al, 200045 Prospective case control Posterolateral fusion DBM (56) vs autologous ICBG (52) 24 60% DBM vs 56% ICBG (P = 0.83) 15 ICBG patients reported donor site pain Grafton DBM Ricart et al, 201846 Retrospective Posterolateral fusion DBM (21) vs BTP (20) 12 90% DBM vs 70% BTP (P = 0.09) No difference in revision rates or visual analog scores Grafton DBM Fu et al, 201641 Retrospective consecutive Posterolateral fusion >3 levels DBM (26) vs autologous ICBG (21) 81% DBM vs 86% ICBG (P = 0.72) Increased operative blood loss with ICBG (P = 0.02) Allomatrix DBM putty Nam & Yi, 201647 Retrospective consecutive Posterolateral fusion DBM (38) vs HA (41) 12 73% DBM vs 58% HA (P = 0.15) No difference in ODI or infection Bonfuse DBM Baumann et al, 201548 Retrospective Thoracolumbar fractures DBM (16) vs autologous ICBG (46) 94% DBM vs 100% ICBG (P = 0.26) Synthes DBM Thalgott et al, 200149 Retrospective Posterolateral fusion DBM (28) vs LA (12) 92.5% DBM vs 100% LA (P not reported) Grafton DBM with coralline HA Interbody Fusions Ko et al, 202250 Retrospective Single-level PLIF DBM (20) vs LA (20) 12 Brantigan-Steffee score 4.4 DBM vs 3.7 LA (P = 0.001) No difference in ODI SurFuse Kim et al, 201651 Retrospective ALIF, PLIF, and TLIF HA-DBM (65) vs LA (65) 12 52% HA-DBM vs 62% LA (P = 0.21) Improvement in ODI in both groups when fusion was achieved; lower rates of fusion with older age and decreased bone mineral density Bonfuse HA-DBM Ahn et al, 201452 Retrospective PLIF DBM (44) vs LA (70) 24 Not reported No difference in degree of bone formation or ODI Allomatrix DBM Abbreviations: ALIF, anterior lumbar interbody fusion; BTP, β-tricalcium phosphate; DBM, demineralized bone matrix; HA, hydroxyapatite; ICBG, iliac crest bone graft; LA, local autograft; ODI, Oswestry Disability Index; PLIF, posterior lumbar interbody fusion; TLIF, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion.