Article Figures & Data
Technology Development Coatable Graftable Silver In-market outside of the United States (Resitage, Kyocera, Kyoto Japan)32 x Other metal oxides In-market (eg, Bactiguard, Tullinge Sweden)22 x Chlorhexidine In-market for dental implants (eg, Activ Point, Altstatten Switzerland x x Nanostructuring In-market (eg, Nanovis, Columbia City, USA)71 NA NA Acid etching In-market for dental implants (eg, Steri-Oss Etched, Zurich, Switzerland)88 NA NA Antibiotics In-market outside of the United States (eg, The EXPERT Tibial Nail PROtect, Raynham, USA)19 x x Iodine Clinical trials outside of the United States41 x Chitosan In vivo43 x x Antiadhesive coatings In vivo64 x Quaternary ammonium compounds In vivo77 x x Oxidation In vivo75 NA NA Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.